5. Chronic, Low-Level Inflammation
"Curing cancer is about shutting down the cancer process: it is not about shrinking or removing tumors. To shut down the cancer process, certain biochemical processes need to be supported and other need to be inhibited. Three critical processes involved in turning cancer on or off are inflammation, apoptosis [the process by which cells die when the become abnormal], and angiogenesis [the process by which new blood vessels are stimulated to grow and feed a growing tumor]. Inflammation is a foundation stone of the every chronic disease---including cancer. Inflammation both causes and drives cancer., and it is essential to the cancer process. Most Americans are in a chronic inflammatory state. Inflammation damages DNA, damages cell membranes, impairs oxygen transport into cells, and it makes natural barriers surrounding cells more permeable so tumors can grow, Cancer cells need inflammation to sustain their growth---shutting down inflammation is essential to reversing cancer. . . . Many of the things that we know cause and promote cancer are the very things that cause and promote inflammation. People with more inflammation have more cancer, and people with cancer who have more inflammation have more aggressive cancer that is more likely to spread and kill. Controlling inflammation is essential."
"Chronic, low-level inflammation can be caused by a number of factors, especially high levels of glucose and fructose in the blood. Reducing chronic inflammation, and especially its root cause, is critically important in restoring the overall health of the body. One of the many ill-effects of long-term chronic inflammation is that it depletes the body of critical supplies and, over time, impacts its ability to produce a healthy inflammatory response, which is a crucial part of the body's defense arsenal.
Udo Erasmus says that cooked food creates a defense reaction in the stomach and digestive tract---such as a fever and swelling---because the body reacts to cooked (or dead) food as some kind of toxin. He also says that such a reaction does not occur is raw food is eaten prior to eating cooked food. eating food that has been microwaved or "nuked" causes a similar reaction: "Eating microwaved food damages cell-to-cell communication, stresses the immune system, and lowers the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood---all of which cause and drive the cancer process."
(Never Fear Cancer Again, Raymond Francis)
The regular use of fulvic acid not only helps reduce systemic inflammation but increases both cellular uptake of minerals and cellular oxygenation.
Grounding or "Earthing," which involves connecting your body directly to the earth while sleeping, and regularly throughout the day (by walking barefoot, using special "grounding" shoes, or by resting your feet on an earthing pad, such as when working on a computer) is a powerful way to balance the electron energy of the body and reduce inflammation.
It is interesting to note that high intake of sugar (particularly in the form of high fructose corn syrup) leads to inflammation of the arteries and, hence, the need for higher levels of cholesterol (to repair the damage). This damage to the arterial lining (and to the endothelium, which is the singe layer of cells that lines the interior walls of the blood vessels) decreases the body's ability to produce nitric oxide (NO), a substance that relaxes the arteries, keeps them flexible, and promotes blood flow. Hence, arterial inflammation and damage to the endothelium leads to vessel stiffness, plague build-up, increased blood pressure, poorer circulation, and a host of other ills, including decreased blood flow and less oxygen available to the cells. [For more on nitric oxide, see item 7 below.]
Eliminating your intake of high fructose corn syrup (and reducing other forms of fructose) may be the most effective way to reduce arterial inflammation and cholesterol (which, again, is the not the root problem, only the body's response to the root problem.) Reducing cholesterol by drugs or even natural means is not the answer; reducing arterial inflammation (by eliminating its primary cause) is.
Eliminating all wheat and wheat products (and cutting back on the consumption of all grains), eliminating all non-raw, homogenized, pasteurized, hormone infested dairy products (especially milk and cheese), and eliminating processed oils, is also crucial if you want to reduce systemic inflammation.
Note: the Budwig protocol incorporates some organic dairy products (i.e., cottage cheese or whey protein concentrate). In this protocol---where some dairy is mixed with flaxseed oil---the immense benefits outweigh the slight detriment. But, again, if using any form or dairy make sure it is non-processed and organic.
There is one more thing you can add to your anti-inflammatory arsenal: cannabidiol (CBD). CBD may have far-reaching effects, not only in its powerful ability to reduce inflammation but also as a natural chemotherapy agent.
From Mark Sircus's website:
"The truth is there is no “overnight fix” for chronic inflammation. That said, I take that back and say there is: The quickest fix for inflammation, the one that works most instantly is sodium bicarbonate. So many doctors and books talk about inflammation today but they fail to mention the mighty muscleman of the anti-inflammation world. Right behind this heavyweight is magnesium chloride, which is the anti-inflammatory that too many doctors are still forgetting to mention and use. It literally controls inflammation because a deficiency in magnesium is one of the basic root causes of inflammation, so its replenishment is the logical way to put out inflammatory fires. If all this medical forgetting is not enough ineptitude, realize that the newest, strongest and possibly greatest anti-inflammatory on the block cannabidiol (CBD) just went legal and now exists and is available in topical and oral forms. People who have used medical marijuana know this because it gives so much quick pain relief." "CBD spells bad news for the pharmaceutical industry because, when combined with other strong medicinals like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate and iodine, people can treat themselves more safely and effectively than they can be treated in a doctor’s office."
Up the Wazoo:
"The standard of care has changed for dosing. No one needs to be working up the dose. Nor do patients need to tolerate and unpleasant high. It has been proven that there’s a huge difference in bioavailability when the dose is administered rectally as opposed to orally. With anal administration, patients gets 60% bioavailability. Particularly with coconut oil, 1 tablespoon taken 1/2 hour prior to dose plus with cannabis oil mixed with coconut oil within the syringe. Bioavailability for oral dosing is 2 to 12%. The current consensus is that one gram of a high THC strain is required for healing cancer. Not a 1:1 ratio of cbd:thc. With estrogen dependent cancers there’s a difference and higher CBD is required. The posterior route is superior and that is becoming common practice now on most of the discussion sites. (Marelyn Shapiro)
Note: it also appears that administration of such things as EDTA and Ayuhausca are more effective when administered through the posterior route (i.e., up the wazoo.)
For a good starting place in your research on cannabis oil, see:
>> http://www.solitarius.org
For detailed information on making your own hemp oil, and the "miraculous" effects of hemp oil on cancer and other illnesses, snoop around Rick Simpson's webpage:
>> Rick Simpson / Hemp Oil
For some medical background on inflammation, see:
>> Max Gerson / Inflammation
"Curing cancer is about shutting down the cancer process: it is not about shrinking or removing tumors. To shut down the cancer process, certain biochemical processes need to be supported and other need to be inhibited. Three critical processes involved in turning cancer on or off are inflammation, apoptosis [the process by which cells die when the become abnormal], and angiogenesis [the process by which new blood vessels are stimulated to grow and feed a growing tumor]. Inflammation is a foundation stone of the every chronic disease---including cancer. Inflammation both causes and drives cancer., and it is essential to the cancer process. Most Americans are in a chronic inflammatory state. Inflammation damages DNA, damages cell membranes, impairs oxygen transport into cells, and it makes natural barriers surrounding cells more permeable so tumors can grow, Cancer cells need inflammation to sustain their growth---shutting down inflammation is essential to reversing cancer. . . . Many of the things that we know cause and promote cancer are the very things that cause and promote inflammation. People with more inflammation have more cancer, and people with cancer who have more inflammation have more aggressive cancer that is more likely to spread and kill. Controlling inflammation is essential."
"Chronic, low-level inflammation can be caused by a number of factors, especially high levels of glucose and fructose in the blood. Reducing chronic inflammation, and especially its root cause, is critically important in restoring the overall health of the body. One of the many ill-effects of long-term chronic inflammation is that it depletes the body of critical supplies and, over time, impacts its ability to produce a healthy inflammatory response, which is a crucial part of the body's defense arsenal.
Udo Erasmus says that cooked food creates a defense reaction in the stomach and digestive tract---such as a fever and swelling---because the body reacts to cooked (or dead) food as some kind of toxin. He also says that such a reaction does not occur is raw food is eaten prior to eating cooked food. eating food that has been microwaved or "nuked" causes a similar reaction: "Eating microwaved food damages cell-to-cell communication, stresses the immune system, and lowers the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood---all of which cause and drive the cancer process."
(Never Fear Cancer Again, Raymond Francis)
The regular use of fulvic acid not only helps reduce systemic inflammation but increases both cellular uptake of minerals and cellular oxygenation.
Grounding or "Earthing," which involves connecting your body directly to the earth while sleeping, and regularly throughout the day (by walking barefoot, using special "grounding" shoes, or by resting your feet on an earthing pad, such as when working on a computer) is a powerful way to balance the electron energy of the body and reduce inflammation.
It is interesting to note that high intake of sugar (particularly in the form of high fructose corn syrup) leads to inflammation of the arteries and, hence, the need for higher levels of cholesterol (to repair the damage). This damage to the arterial lining (and to the endothelium, which is the singe layer of cells that lines the interior walls of the blood vessels) decreases the body's ability to produce nitric oxide (NO), a substance that relaxes the arteries, keeps them flexible, and promotes blood flow. Hence, arterial inflammation and damage to the endothelium leads to vessel stiffness, plague build-up, increased blood pressure, poorer circulation, and a host of other ills, including decreased blood flow and less oxygen available to the cells. [For more on nitric oxide, see item 7 below.]
Eliminating your intake of high fructose corn syrup (and reducing other forms of fructose) may be the most effective way to reduce arterial inflammation and cholesterol (which, again, is the not the root problem, only the body's response to the root problem.) Reducing cholesterol by drugs or even natural means is not the answer; reducing arterial inflammation (by eliminating its primary cause) is.
Eliminating all wheat and wheat products (and cutting back on the consumption of all grains), eliminating all non-raw, homogenized, pasteurized, hormone infested dairy products (especially milk and cheese), and eliminating processed oils, is also crucial if you want to reduce systemic inflammation.
Note: the Budwig protocol incorporates some organic dairy products (i.e., cottage cheese or whey protein concentrate). In this protocol---where some dairy is mixed with flaxseed oil---the immense benefits outweigh the slight detriment. But, again, if using any form or dairy make sure it is non-processed and organic.
There is one more thing you can add to your anti-inflammatory arsenal: cannabidiol (CBD). CBD may have far-reaching effects, not only in its powerful ability to reduce inflammation but also as a natural chemotherapy agent.
From Mark Sircus's website:
"The truth is there is no “overnight fix” for chronic inflammation. That said, I take that back and say there is: The quickest fix for inflammation, the one that works most instantly is sodium bicarbonate. So many doctors and books talk about inflammation today but they fail to mention the mighty muscleman of the anti-inflammation world. Right behind this heavyweight is magnesium chloride, which is the anti-inflammatory that too many doctors are still forgetting to mention and use. It literally controls inflammation because a deficiency in magnesium is one of the basic root causes of inflammation, so its replenishment is the logical way to put out inflammatory fires. If all this medical forgetting is not enough ineptitude, realize that the newest, strongest and possibly greatest anti-inflammatory on the block cannabidiol (CBD) just went legal and now exists and is available in topical and oral forms. People who have used medical marijuana know this because it gives so much quick pain relief." "CBD spells bad news for the pharmaceutical industry because, when combined with other strong medicinals like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate and iodine, people can treat themselves more safely and effectively than they can be treated in a doctor’s office."
Up the Wazoo:
"The standard of care has changed for dosing. No one needs to be working up the dose. Nor do patients need to tolerate and unpleasant high. It has been proven that there’s a huge difference in bioavailability when the dose is administered rectally as opposed to orally. With anal administration, patients gets 60% bioavailability. Particularly with coconut oil, 1 tablespoon taken 1/2 hour prior to dose plus with cannabis oil mixed with coconut oil within the syringe. Bioavailability for oral dosing is 2 to 12%. The current consensus is that one gram of a high THC strain is required for healing cancer. Not a 1:1 ratio of cbd:thc. With estrogen dependent cancers there’s a difference and higher CBD is required. The posterior route is superior and that is becoming common practice now on most of the discussion sites. (Marelyn Shapiro)
Note: it also appears that administration of such things as EDTA and Ayuhausca are more effective when administered through the posterior route (i.e., up the wazoo.)
For a good starting place in your research on cannabis oil, see:
>> http://www.solitarius.org
For detailed information on making your own hemp oil, and the "miraculous" effects of hemp oil on cancer and other illnesses, snoop around Rick Simpson's webpage:
>> Rick Simpson / Hemp Oil
For some medical background on inflammation, see:
>> Max Gerson / Inflammation