6. Reduced Ability of the Blood to Transport Oxygen
Cells become more oxygen-deprived when the blood lacks the ability to carry its full measure of oxygen. This problem comes about when a) the blood is weak or anemic (with improper amounts of hemoglobin), b) blood-sugar levels are too high and the blood is too insulin-rich, c) blood-sugar levels are too low, d) the flow of blood is restricted because red blood cells are clumped together (due to low zeta-potential) or agglutination (often caused by food allergens, particularly wheat and corn; and also chemotherapy agents), e) the circulation is physically impaired or restricted, f) the blood is too thick due (or of "high viscosity") due to inflammation, arterial damage, toxic metals, chronic dehydration, etc., and g) the blood is impure. Many of the famous herbal formulations (including the Hoxsey Formula) are specifically designed to purify the blood and enhance the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Shallow breathing is also harmful, as is breathing polluted, toxic, or moldy air.
Blood flow and the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood can be increased by a) eating a nutrient rich diet which forms healthy red blood cells, b) stabilizing blood-sugar levels, c) proper hydration, which comes about by drinking small amounts of pure water throughout the day, d) increasing zeta-potential, particularly with the regular intake of lemon water or supplementing with potassium citrate; and also by avoiding foods that cause allergic reactions, e) insuring proper blood-levels of nitric oxide or NO, and f) keeping the blood pure by eating pure foods, using blood-cleansing herbal preparations (which might include red clover), and keeping the colon clean. A colon that is backed-up and filled with putrefaction can pretty much undermine all healing efforts. So, clearing out the colon, and keeping it clean---through proper eating (with regular and COMPLETE bowel movements), herbal cleansing formulas, oxygenated magnesium formulas (such as Mag O7), and perhaps colonics (or a regular series of enemas (if needed)---can be quite helpful, especially when the body is weakened and the liver is operating on a sub-par level.
6. Reduced Ability of the Blood to Transport Oxygen
Cells become more oxygen-deprived when the blood lacks the ability to carry its full measure of oxygen. This problem comes about when a) the blood is weak or anemic (with improper amounts of hemoglobin), b) blood-sugar levels are too high and the blood is too insulin-rich, c) blood-sugar levels are too low, d) the flow of blood is restricted because red blood cells are clumped together (due to low zeta-potential) or agglutination (often caused by food allergens, particularly wheat and corn; and also chemotherapy agents), e) the circulation is physically impaired or restricted, f) the blood is too thick due (or of "high viscosity") due to inflammation, arterial damage, toxic metals, chronic dehydration, etc., and g) the blood is impure. Many of the famous herbal formulations (including the Hoxsey Formula) are specifically designed to purify the blood and enhance the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Shallow breathing is also harmful, as is breathing polluted, toxic, or moldy air.
Blood flow and the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood can be increased by a) eating a nutrient rich diet which forms healthy red blood cells, b) stabilizing blood-sugar levels, c) proper hydration, which comes about by drinking small amounts of pure water throughout the day, d) increasing zeta-potential, particularly with the regular intake of lemon water or supplementing with potassium citrate; and also by avoiding foods that cause allergic reactions, e) insuring proper blood-levels of nitric oxide or NO, and f) keeping the blood pure by eating pure foods, using blood-cleansing herbal preparations (which might include red clover), and keeping the colon clean. A colon that is backed-up and filled with putrefaction can pretty much undermine all healing efforts. So, clearing out the colon, and keeping it clean---through proper eating (with regular and COMPLETE bowel movements), herbal cleansing formulas, oxygenated magnesium formulas (such as Mag O7), and perhaps colonics (or a regular series of enemas (if needed)---can be quite helpful, especially when the body is weakened and the liver is operating on a sub-par level.
Increasing Blood Flow and Oxygen Transport Capacity
Lower Blood Viscosity EDTA Therapy
Increase Nitric Oxide (NO)
Increase Zeta Potential (particle charge)
In most cases a course of IV chelation, and/or regular supplementation with calcium EDTA (alone or in formulation with mucopolysaccharides), can be used to improve cardiovascular health and blood flow. IV chelation, which strips away or "grabs" excessive calcium off the arterial walls, also strips away other nutrients as well. This can lead to mineral imbalances as also put a strain on the kidneys. So, supplementation (with calcium and Min-66) is necessary as well as monitoring of the kidneys.
Excerpts from an Interview with Dr. Gary Gordon:
But the way in which EDTA affects nitric oxide is only a tiny piece of the whole story because we all have too much lead in our body. There is no escape. So we can state unequivocally that if your heart has too much lead in it then even the pumping function of your heart will be effected. . . . Now we know that the blood flow throughout your whole body—through your capillaries, arteries and veins—is also effected by the level of lead.
When lead levels go up, our body is unable to convert a certain amino acid into nitric oxide. When we eat a good meal we get an amino acid called arginine. In a healthy body—one that isn’t lead toxic—that arginine can be converted into nitric oxide, which would then mean that all the blood vessels would be open and the person would have less angina. … So chelation is absolutely mandatory for cardiovascular health.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is an extremely important molecule in our body that was previously called “endothelial relaxing factor.” (This is not the laughing gas that the dentist gives you; that’s nitrous oxide.) Endothelium is the Saran Wrap-like coating that lines the inside of every blood vessel in your body, and if you can make good levels of nitric oxide—or endothelial relaxing factor—then you’re going to have your blood vessels relaxed instead of constricted. And if they’re relaxed then they’re open and they let more blood go through.
Blood Viscosity and Flow
"You once said that the single most important aspect in preventing artery and heart disease is “Blood viscosity.” Do you feel that blood viscosity is still the single most important heart and artery factor that we can influence?"
It is one of the most important . . . All of these can favorably lower blood viscosity. As you know, menstruating women tend to be completely protected against fatal heart attacks. We find this is because routinely menstruating women tend to have extremely favorable low blood viscosity readings. Of course, women tend to outlive men anyway. Many think this is partially due to the lower level of iron women have throughout their lifetime. However, it now appears that the loss of blood itself has another separate action that helps to lower blood viscosity. It seems that this is because the new replacement blood cells are softer and more flexible just as new babies are soft and flexible, and this is less abrasive to the inner lining of the blood vessels as these cells flow through the blood vessels.
Q: How can one improve his/her blood viscosity?
The obvious and readily controllable factors that we’ve all been aware of include preventing obesity, limiting alcohol consumption, salt intake, smoking, exercise, controlling the epidemic of diabetes and the over-consumption of animal fats, as well as limiting the intake of all trans fats. Even donating blood lowers blood viscosity. What I was so excited to find, however, was that the oral chelation [> specifically, a combination of EDTA and mucopolysaccharides], which I have worked with since my initial collaboration with Dr. Lester Morrison over 20 years ago, was clearly and dramatically improving blood viscosity on all people tested.
This approach has permitted me to safely cancel bypass surgery on every patient that I have treated for the last 20 years. I have yet to hear of the first fatal heart attack occurring in any patient treated with this basically all natural supplement program that we now recognize is lowering blood viscosity without fail. Of course, the omega-3 fatty acid is another key component of this program because no single nutrient is able to eliminate all of the basic causes of death from heart attacks. These include blood clots, arrhythmia and/or vessel spasm. . . .
In his book The Sinatra Solution, Steve Sinatra—who doesn’t even use chelation—says that he’s routinely canceling heart transplants. I have been able to cancel every heart transplant, because I use all the things that Steve talks about—the carnitine, the alpha lipoic acid, and the ribose—in addition to chelation. The ribose, the magnesium, and the coenzyme Q-10 are important. Ribose is a big story. It is a five carbon sugar. Normally we’re against sugar, but here’s a sugar that takes no effort for the body to convert into the currency of energy called ATP.
Zeta Potential
The simplest and most effect way to increase Zeta Potential (and flowability and "discreteness" of the blood) is to take potassium citrate. The simplest way to do this is to place 1.5 grams of potassium citrate in 1.5 liters of water and drink throughout the day. The regulated drinking of lemon water (which contains potassium citrate), as used in the Carey Reams program, also increases Zeta Potential. In addition, lemon water supports the liver and usually decreases blood-sugar levels. (So, if your blood-sugar levels are high you may take lemon water without adding any sweeteners; if your blood-sugar levels are low, take lemon water with some sweetener, the most preferred being blackstrap molasses.)
Papers about Zeta Potential
Lower Blood Viscosity EDTA Therapy
Increase Nitric Oxide (NO)
Increase Zeta Potential (particle charge)
In most cases a course of IV chelation, and/or regular supplementation with calcium EDTA (alone or in formulation with mucopolysaccharides), can be used to improve cardiovascular health and blood flow. IV chelation, which strips away or "grabs" excessive calcium off the arterial walls, also strips away other nutrients as well. This can lead to mineral imbalances as also put a strain on the kidneys. So, supplementation (with calcium and Min-66) is necessary as well as monitoring of the kidneys.
Excerpts from an Interview with Dr. Gary Gordon:
But the way in which EDTA affects nitric oxide is only a tiny piece of the whole story because we all have too much lead in our body. There is no escape. So we can state unequivocally that if your heart has too much lead in it then even the pumping function of your heart will be effected. . . . Now we know that the blood flow throughout your whole body—through your capillaries, arteries and veins—is also effected by the level of lead.
When lead levels go up, our body is unable to convert a certain amino acid into nitric oxide. When we eat a good meal we get an amino acid called arginine. In a healthy body—one that isn’t lead toxic—that arginine can be converted into nitric oxide, which would then mean that all the blood vessels would be open and the person would have less angina. … So chelation is absolutely mandatory for cardiovascular health.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is an extremely important molecule in our body that was previously called “endothelial relaxing factor.” (This is not the laughing gas that the dentist gives you; that’s nitrous oxide.) Endothelium is the Saran Wrap-like coating that lines the inside of every blood vessel in your body, and if you can make good levels of nitric oxide—or endothelial relaxing factor—then you’re going to have your blood vessels relaxed instead of constricted. And if they’re relaxed then they’re open and they let more blood go through.
Blood Viscosity and Flow
"You once said that the single most important aspect in preventing artery and heart disease is “Blood viscosity.” Do you feel that blood viscosity is still the single most important heart and artery factor that we can influence?"
It is one of the most important . . . All of these can favorably lower blood viscosity. As you know, menstruating women tend to be completely protected against fatal heart attacks. We find this is because routinely menstruating women tend to have extremely favorable low blood viscosity readings. Of course, women tend to outlive men anyway. Many think this is partially due to the lower level of iron women have throughout their lifetime. However, it now appears that the loss of blood itself has another separate action that helps to lower blood viscosity. It seems that this is because the new replacement blood cells are softer and more flexible just as new babies are soft and flexible, and this is less abrasive to the inner lining of the blood vessels as these cells flow through the blood vessels.
Q: How can one improve his/her blood viscosity?
The obvious and readily controllable factors that we’ve all been aware of include preventing obesity, limiting alcohol consumption, salt intake, smoking, exercise, controlling the epidemic of diabetes and the over-consumption of animal fats, as well as limiting the intake of all trans fats. Even donating blood lowers blood viscosity. What I was so excited to find, however, was that the oral chelation [> specifically, a combination of EDTA and mucopolysaccharides], which I have worked with since my initial collaboration with Dr. Lester Morrison over 20 years ago, was clearly and dramatically improving blood viscosity on all people tested.
This approach has permitted me to safely cancel bypass surgery on every patient that I have treated for the last 20 years. I have yet to hear of the first fatal heart attack occurring in any patient treated with this basically all natural supplement program that we now recognize is lowering blood viscosity without fail. Of course, the omega-3 fatty acid is another key component of this program because no single nutrient is able to eliminate all of the basic causes of death from heart attacks. These include blood clots, arrhythmia and/or vessel spasm. . . .
In his book The Sinatra Solution, Steve Sinatra—who doesn’t even use chelation—says that he’s routinely canceling heart transplants. I have been able to cancel every heart transplant, because I use all the things that Steve talks about—the carnitine, the alpha lipoic acid, and the ribose—in addition to chelation. The ribose, the magnesium, and the coenzyme Q-10 are important. Ribose is a big story. It is a five carbon sugar. Normally we’re against sugar, but here’s a sugar that takes no effort for the body to convert into the currency of energy called ATP.
Zeta Potential
The simplest and most effect way to increase Zeta Potential (and flowability and "discreteness" of the blood) is to take potassium citrate. The simplest way to do this is to place 1.5 grams of potassium citrate in 1.5 liters of water and drink throughout the day. The regulated drinking of lemon water (which contains potassium citrate), as used in the Carey Reams program, also increases Zeta Potential. In addition, lemon water supports the liver and usually decreases blood-sugar levels. (So, if your blood-sugar levels are high you may take lemon water without adding any sweeteners; if your blood-sugar levels are low, take lemon water with some sweetener, the most preferred being blackstrap molasses.)
Papers about Zeta Potential