8. Toxic Interference / Candida
A potent form of toxic interference (and especially harmful to the endocrine system) are heavy metal toxins such as nickel, mercury, cadmium, and lead. Some of the main culprits are mercury fillings, vaccinations, environmental toxins, etc. Toxic waste coming from within the body---caused by chronic constipation, poor digestion, and dental interventions (such as root canals), and candida overgrowth can levy a great burden on the immune system and liver and lead to low energy and poor health. Detrimental (or "death-wish") emotions can also be a form of toxic interference.
Removing the source of the toxic interference, and also engaging in a program of systematic detoxification---which might include such things as colonics, coffee enemas, liver and gall bladder flushes, use of herbal formulas, detox drinks (such as diluted lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and fulvic acid), chlorella, activated charcoal, EDTA, etc.---can be of great benefit. Even more radical is the use of turpentine or kerosene to kill pathogens and microbes (including candida.) This "poor man's" cure is used extensively in Africa. Because the sources of pure turpentine seems to be more reliable than the sources of pure kerosine, and since turpentine is considered more powerful than kerosine, I would always favor turpentine over kerosine. Only use 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine. One source I know of is Diamond G. Forest Turpentine, located in Georgia (USA).
Turpentine has a number of properties that make it useful in the treatment of cancer, particularly its action to destroy mold, yeast, fungus, and candida. Turpentine provides a double-punch in that it not only destroys candida but dissolves the biofilm that candida colonies construct to protect themselves against attack. In general, turpentine can be taken in two ways: a) with pure sugar, on an empty stomach, to remove mold and fungus from the bloodstream, and b) with castor oil (and other agents, such as honey and/or coconut oil), with meals, to kill candida in the intestinal tract.
Mold, Fungus, and Candida: Four Areas of Attack
1. Dissolve the protective biofilm that surrounds and protects candida colonies through the use of turpentine, serrapeptase (in high doses), as well as other proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, nattokinase, lumbrokinase, and pancreatic enzymes (as found in formulas such as "Pancreas" by Nutricology). Biofilms contains heavy metals and when dissolved these toxic metals get released into the digestive system---and, so, they must be "cleaned up" before they get re-absorbed. (See Step 3 to learn more about toxic clean-up.)
2. Kill the mold, fungus, and candida through the internal use of turpentine: a) Turpentine + Sugar to treat the bloodstream; b) Turpentine + Castor Oil to treat intestinal tract. You can add coconut oil (which is well-known for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties) to the castor oil for a more complete (and better tasting) treatment. Other supplements may have to be useful in a full-scale attack on candida such as MMS-1/CDS, Lugol's solution, borax water, Methylene Blue, and some herbal preparations such as wormwood, pau d'arco, and gymnema sylvestre extract. (Recent research has shown that extracts of gymnema sylvestre actively inhibits candida from morphing from a yeast into its more virulent fungal parasitic form. The yeast form of candida, which feeds off of waste and does not invade the organs, is much easier to deal with.)
Alkalinizing the body can also create a milieu that is inhospitable to candida. (By the way, a similar protocol is useful in treating Lyme Disease and Autism.)
3. Clean up the toxic waste or “carnage” left behind by the dissolved biofilm (i.e., heavy metals) and dead candida. The simplest way to do this is through the use of adsorbing agents such as activated charcoal* or clay (such as bentonite or green clay). All cleansing agents should be taken on an empty stomach, about 1 hour after consuming the turpentine, and about 2-3 hours after consuming turpentine with a meal. Clay (and to a lesser extent, charcoal) is not compatible with any other agent and should be taken alone. To support general cleansing it is often useful to take some clean-up agent every day, even on those days that you do not take turpentine.
To avoid re-absorption of toxins it is very helpful to "keep the bowels moving." This may require improved digestion and liver function and/or a general program of colon cleaning. A very good way to oxidize the digestive system, clear things out, and "keep things moving" is to use an oxygenated/ozonated magnesium product. A popular product is Mag O7. Most of the products have the same basic ingredients. With Mag O7, you could begin by taking 1 capsule in the morning and 1 at night. If this does not produce the desired results, try 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night, for a few days. Then go up to 3 capsules at night for a few days. Make sure you have ready access to a bathroom for the first few days, and until you know the exact effects that the ozonated magnesium has on your system. Once things are moving, cut back by one capsule until you can keep things moving with the minimum dosage.)
Removing toxic waste from the bloodstream can also be helpful since this prevents re-absorption of toxins and ease the strain on the liver and kidneys. The use of oral EDTA**, Zell Oxygen, sodium thiosulfate, Vitamin C, and/or blood-cleansing herbs (such as red clover) may be helpful. Some natural doctors recommend the use chlorella and/or cilantro as a natural chelating agent. These may not be useful in chelating toxic metals, such as mercury, but may be helpful in terms of general cleansing.
*Charcoal: 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal has the surface area of about one football field. A dose of 1/2 - 1 teaspoon should be adequate. (You can take this an hour or so after taking turpentine and also on days when no turpentine is taken.) Activated charcoal that is truly ultra-fine is the easiest to take and leaves no gritty taste in the back of the mouth (yet is a little more difficult to clean up than non-ultra-fine charcoal.) Coconut, hardwood, and bamboo charcoal are pretty much the same in their action, however hardwood charcoal may have a slightly higher surface area than coconut and bamboo (depending on the type of hardwood that is used).
> Prescribed for Life, Coal-Conut, Ultra-fine $20.00 / 8 oz
(Ultra-fine, leaves no gritty taste in the back of the mouth)
> Zen Charcoal, All-Natural Activated Charcoal Powder (Hardwood)
("Ultra-fine" yet leaves a very slight grit in the mouth) $18.00 / 16 oz
> Rocky Mountain Essentials, Coconut Activated Charcoal Powder
("Ultra Fine" yet leaves a very slight grit in the mouth) $15.00 / 8oz
** EDTA: A good way to take EDTA (for intestinal clean-up) is to pour out 1-3 600 mg capsules into a container of water (for a total of 600mg - 1800mg EDTA), add some sodium or potassium bicarbonate (so that the adjusted pH is around 8.0), put the lid on tight, and shake vigorously. Drink through a thin straw and rinse out your mouth completely after drinking---you don't want the EDTA to pull calcium from your teeth! EDTA will not fully dissolve until the solution is about pH 8.0. Thus, taking EDTA capsules, which go right into the stomach acid and clump up, is a highly inefficient way to take EDTA (with about an 8% absorption rate). Always use Calcium Disodium EDTA.
4. Bolster the immune system (through intake of colostrum, Zell Immuunocomplex, DHAA, CDS/MMS-2, etc.) while avoiding substances that harm the immune system (and support the growth of candida) such as moldy environments, indoor and outdoor toxicity, and the consumption of sugar and excessive carbohydrates, chronic infection, etc.
5. Supplement and Adjust Diet. The eradication of candida (in its yeast form and fungal form) usually requires a complete attack, addressing the candida in the intestines and also in the blood. This usually requires the complete eradication of sugar (especially in the form of sucrose and fructose), the elimination of processed vegetable oils (most of which are not that harmful "right off the press" but are likely to be rancid and turned into trans- fat by the time you consume them), and a vast reduction in carbohydrate consumption. Glucose is needed for cancer cells to survive, whereas fructose is needed for cancer cells to grow rapidly and thrive. One's diet should also contain lots of non-starchy, alkalinzing vegetables.
Two Ways to Take Turpentine
1. Turpentine + Sugar
This method, put forth by Dr. Jennifer Daniels, is where approximately 1 tsp (5 ml) is poured onto three small sugar cubes (1 cc each). Make sure the sugar cubes are almost saturated with the turpentine. (I do not measure out the turpentine when I take it: what I do is put a very thin straw into the turpentine container, cover the top of the straw with my finger, pull out the straw, place it over the sugar cubes, and lift up my finger, allowing the turpentine to drip onto the cubes. I do this 3 or 4 times until the cubes are saturated.) After that, put one cube in your mouth at a time; let the cube dissolve in your mouth before taking the next cube. (You can chew it a little; and don't worry, it has a nice pine flavor.) Follow up with plenty of water.
Sugar is used because it does not require extensive digestion. As such, the turpentine/sugar is quickly taken up into the blood stream. One should take this on an empty stomach, at least an hour before eating. (One can also take a teaspoon of turpentine in water or milk, and take on an empty stomach, to accomplish the same.)
This method is primarily used for treating deep-seated candida and mold in the bloodstream. It is also effective in helping blood disorders, such as leukemia. Mold in the blood often causes excess viscosity and reduced blood flow; killing mold and candida in the blood can decrease viscosity while increasing blood flow oxygenation.
It is advisable to proceed slowly, beginning with a few drops and working up to an optimal dose of 1 teaspoon. Dr. Daniels recommends taking 1 teaspoon of turpentine 2 times per week, as such a dose will usually not produce any adverse cleansing reactions. (Others advise a more intensive dose of 3+ teaspoons per day (for five days on and two days off) for a period of 5 weeks, but such dosing should not be attempted without expert supervision.) When turpentine is taken up into the bloodstream it may put a strain on the kidneys and that is why you should be careful with the dosing, and make sure to drink plenty of water. This method does not so much attack candida in the digestive tract (which is its main seat of operation) because very little of the turpentine reaches the intestines.
1 teaspoon (5 ml) turpentine
3 small cubes of sugar
Take on an empty stomach, 2x/week
Follow up by plenty of water
Follow up (1 hour later) with some kind of “clean up"
2. Turpetine + Castor Oil + Sweetener
The second method is to mix the turpentine with Castor oil (and some type of sweetener, such as honey or molasses for taste.) You can also add a little coconut oil for taste as well (which is good because coconut oil has its own anti-microbial properties.) Taking turpentine with castor oil enables the turpentine to fully coat the intestines. Since the turpentine is not directly absorbed into the bloodstream, this method may place less strain on the kidneys.
The issue with both methods is “toxic clean-up.” That is why when using either method, or both methods in combo, it is good to give the body a rest so that it can eliminate the toxic waste.
In method one, the turpentine + sugar is taken on an empty stomach and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream; if, however, you take the turpentine + sugar right before a meal, with plenty of fat, it will have more effect on the intestinal tract than the blood. (Method two, where the turpentine is taken with castor oil, powerfully attacks candida in the intestine, where it has set up it's main stronghold.)
1 teaspoon turpentine
2-3 tsp castor oil / 1 tsp coconut oil
Honey, coconut sugar, molasses — 1 teaspoon or to taste
Take on its own or right before a meal
You can take this paste directly into your mouth; however, I find it more palatable when spread onto a piece of gluten-free bread and taken right before a meal.
“The way to use turpentine (or kerosene) is to take one teaspoon mixed together with at least one tablespoon of castor oil. You can add molasses too for a better taste if you like. The purpose of the castor oil is to help spread the turpentine throughout the intestines more thoroughly—don't forget that the intestines is 28 ft long so the kerosene has to be used efficiently. If you are just supplementing turpentine (or kerosene) on its own with water outside mealtimes, then the turpentine (or kerosene) will be rapidly absorbed into the blood from the stomach—with not much left to go into the intestines to fight the Candida and remove biofilms there. Taking turpentine (or kerosene) with water is okay for blood born diseases but not okay for Candida—because the throne and fortress of Candida is always in the intestines which has the biofilms.
So take the turpentine (or kerosene) mixed with castor oil and take this at mealtime just before you eat. That will ensure that the majority of it goes where it should—into the intestines to both kill the Candida and remove the biofilms.”
“The preventative dose is on a one day on and one day off basis and is meant to help those who have massive initial Herx die-off reactions by having a day off after you take the turps—this makes for a gentler ride for the user when you initially kill all that Candida. If you want to take consecutive turpentine doses for a particular problem then I would take turpentine for five days and then have two days off, and do this for about 6 weeks only. This protocol will help to get rid of most pathogens and parasites from your body." (Internet)
Combination Method
You may also consider a schedule that combines the two methods by taking the turpentine/sugar two times a week, and the turpentine/castor oil one to three times a week. (I suggest that you start out with Schedule 1 and only take higher doses if you need it and if your body can handle it.)
Schedule 1:
Monday: Turp + Sugar (on an empty stomach)
Wed.: Turp + Castor Oil (or turp + sugar before a meal)
Friday: Turp + Sugar (on an empty stomach)
Schedule 2
Mon., Wed., Fri: Turp + Castor Oil
Tues., Thurs.: Turp + Sugar
>> More on the use of Turpentine (by Jennifer Daniels, MD)
>> Article on Turpentine and Kerosine (by Walter Last)
More on Kerosene
>> http://www.health-science-spirit.com/kero.htm
>> http://goodmorningcenter.com
Anti-Candida Program
In autopsies it was shown that about 80% of people who died of cancer had systemic candida overgrowth. This is not to say that candida caused cancer but it is likely to be a causative agent, especially in the way it depletes the immune system, burdens the liver, and fills the body with toxic waste. Candida in both its forms---yeast and fungal---can undermine every action one takes in terms of recovery from illness. Most anti-candida protocols are quite similar to anti-cancer protocols; so it is likely that you are already doing a lot to eradicate candida. However, a few special considerations and adjustments may have to be made to fully address the issue of candida.
The Internet is filled with information on how to eradicate candida--- and you can find a lot on websites such as EarthClinic.com---however so much information can be overwhelming. A good place to start is Bill Thompson's book, Candida: Killing So Sweetly. This presents a very good overview and simple instructions for an anti-candida program. Much of what I have mentioned on this page coincides with what Bill has written in his book.
A lot of what can be found in Bill's book (in terms of the basic protocol) can also be found in the file below:
Some Other Anti-Fungals to Consider
This post on the Internet is from Sally B:
"I wish I could send each of you Doug Kaufmann’s book “The Germ that Causes Cancer.” He talks about new anticancer drugs such as Gleevac for leukemia. Gleevac is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. There is a “natural” tyrosine kinase inhibitor known as Ellagic Acid. [And also quercitin.] Ellagic acid is also an antifungal! Anyway, I personally believe he is “right on” about cancer being fungus and that it causes a plethora of illnesses that conventional medicine is clueless about!
He explains how chemo and radiation actually enhance fungus. He explains how micotoxins (fungal metabolites) cause liver and esophageal cancer.
I have suffered with reflux for about 20 years. Since I have been on an antifungal diet and using antifungals I no longer have GERD! Fumonisin is a documented cause of esophageal cancer in humans. Fumonisin is a universal contaminate of corn and is produced by Fusarium species of fungi. Cigarettes and beer cause cancer because mold grows on the stored tobacco and beer is made with grains that contain fungus. His book explains how antibiotics are micotoxins that cause eczema, allergies and asthma as well as cancer. Hormone replacement therapy increases the ability of most yeast to adhere to tissues producing more fungi and micotoxins causing Alzheimer’s, strokes, heart attacks, and cancer.
Resveratrol is an antifungal! [Highest content in grape skin, but also in high amounts in blueberries]. Vitamin D is an antifungal! There is also a chapter called “What I Would Do If I Had Cancer” a doctor’s prospective. It also contains the antifungal diet and a Fungal Quotient Test. I urge anyone who is interested to go to Doug’s website and buy some of his books. Watch his show if you can. This is why I believe MMS kills cancer. MMS also kills fungus!
This post on the Internet is from Sally B:
"I wish I could send each of you Doug Kaufmann’s book “The Germ that Causes Cancer.” He talks about new anticancer drugs such as Gleevac for leukemia. Gleevac is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. There is a “natural” tyrosine kinase inhibitor known as Ellagic Acid. [And also quercitin.] Ellagic acid is also an antifungal! Anyway, I personally believe he is “right on” about cancer being fungus and that it causes a plethora of illnesses that conventional medicine is clueless about!
He explains how chemo and radiation actually enhance fungus. He explains how micotoxins (fungal metabolites) cause liver and esophageal cancer.
I have suffered with reflux for about 20 years. Since I have been on an antifungal diet and using antifungals I no longer have GERD! Fumonisin is a documented cause of esophageal cancer in humans. Fumonisin is a universal contaminate of corn and is produced by Fusarium species of fungi. Cigarettes and beer cause cancer because mold grows on the stored tobacco and beer is made with grains that contain fungus. His book explains how antibiotics are micotoxins that cause eczema, allergies and asthma as well as cancer. Hormone replacement therapy increases the ability of most yeast to adhere to tissues producing more fungi and micotoxins causing Alzheimer’s, strokes, heart attacks, and cancer.
Resveratrol is an antifungal! [Highest content in grape skin, but also in high amounts in blueberries]. Vitamin D is an antifungal! There is also a chapter called “What I Would Do If I Had Cancer” a doctor’s prospective. It also contains the antifungal diet and a Fungal Quotient Test. I urge anyone who is interested to go to Doug’s website and buy some of his books. Watch his show if you can. This is why I believe MMS kills cancer. MMS also kills fungus!