More on Frequency / Vibration
How Connected are you with Life?
Everything you eat or drink carries a frequency; in all cases, food in its natural condition carries a higher frequency, and more life-force, than food or drink that has been processed, corrupted, or unnaturally modified. So to promote the life-energy and healing power of the body—and enable it to maintain an optimal frequency—it’s always beneficial to consume the purest, most natural, least corrupted foods you can find. As it turns out, high-nutrient food usually carries a higher frequency than low-nutrient foods.
What Lowers Body Frequency (and moves a person toward poor health)?
Consuming low-frequency food and drinks lowers body frequency—and, the consumption of poor, devitalized food often leads to dis-ease. Food and drink that are subject to various kinds of processing—which displace the food from its natural condition—lowers its frequency and life-giving energy. For instance, food that has been microwaved, canned, frozen food, processed/demineralized, genetically engineered, grown with pesticides, herbicides, and/or unnatural fertilizer, overly cooked,* and/or stored for extended periods, especially in plastic, has a lower frequency than food in its natural condition. Other departures or corruptions that lower the vibration of food (and strip it of its life-giving energy) include: fruits and vegetables that have been gassed or radiated (and picked unripe), water that has been bottled, especially in plastic; milk that has been pasteurized, homogenized, anti-bioticized, which comes from poorly-fed, over-milked cows, and which is consumed several days after milking; any kind of oil that has been overly heated or hydrogenated, vegetables that are old, etc. In all cases, food that is fresh, in its natural condition, and prepared and served with love carries more life-energy than processed and unnatural food.
The body is an energy system and resonates at a particular frequency. The frequency of whatever food you eat must be raised, to match the frequency of the body, before the body is able to utilize that food. So, when a person consumes lots of low-vibration food the body must expend a great deal of energy to try and raise the frequency up to the level of the body. With the habitual intake of low-vibration food, the overall vibration of particular organs and the body as a hole begins to get lower and lower, thus depleting the root energy of the cells and moving a person toward disease.
What else lowers one’s frequency? Negative environmental conditions—including electro-magnetic interference caused by high-power lines, step-down transformers, wi-fi signals (and especially wi-fi boosters in close proximity to the use and on while someone sleeps), and proximity to cell towers, etc. Avoiding these hazards and keeping oneself grounded, i.e., connected to the earth, especially when sleeping, can be helpful. Any toxin within one’s environment, particularly indoor toxins—including formaldehyde from furniture, outgassing of new carpets, plasticized interior of new cars, cooking with Teflon, poor quality dish soap and hygiene products, etc.—lower one’s vibration and have a negative impact on health. Negative emotions, including fear, depression, hopeless, isolation, etc., lower one’s overall vibration and are harmful to both the mind and the body. Having a positive attitude, and keeping the company of joyous and supportive people, can be very helpful in terms of one’s frequency and overall health.
* Cooking lowers the frequency of most foods; and, in general, the more a food is cooked, the lower its vibration. However, there is a tradeoff here: many people do well with cooked food because this helps with digestion. So, although food that is lightly-cooked may be lower in frequency than raw food it may have more nutrients available. Also, food cooked on electric stoves and lower in vibration than food cooked on fire stoves. (And, as mentioned, microwaved food represents the worst and most harmful departure from natural law.) Food that has been reheated has still lower frequency; and food that has been reheated twice still lower.
Frequency Drop
When something moves from life to death, such as when a vegetable is plucked from the ground, it begins to drop in frequency (more quickly when the tops are cut off). From the moment milk is taken from a cow or goat, the milk begins to lose frequency. When an animal is killed, from that moment on the meat begins to lose frequency. Animal food loses frequency a lot faster than plant food. Vegetable juice carries a high frequency; however, it must be consumed fresh to impart the most benefits. The frequency drops every hour. So, in general, try to consume fresh-pressed vegetable immediately, or within a few hours of pressing. Living food, such as sprouts, fermented drinks, and most forms of yogurt/kefir do not lose its frequency because they are consumed while still alive. (Please note that sprouts should be properly washed before eating to remove mold. The preferred method is to soak the sprouts for a few minutes in ozonated water, diluted Clorox water, iodine water, CDS water (or borax water) and then rinse.
One of the greatest potential “frequency boosters” is pure water. The frequency of any food or liquid you take into your body must first be adjusted to the frequency of your body before it can be assimilated. So, if your body is, say, at a frequency of 70 Mhz, and the water your drink is at a frequency of 20 Mhz, your body must adjust the frequency of the water (by raising it) before that water can be utilized. Thus, low-vibration water takes up a lot of energy; whereas high vibration water is beneficial and life-giving. (Structured water is of a higher vibration than non-structured or chaotic water; said another way, structured water is more able to take in a hold a high vibration than non-structured water.) Likewise, pure vegetable juice, made from organic vegetables, carries a higher frequency that non-organic or pesticide-laden vegetables.
All water is not the same, especially in terms of frequency. Some water is alive and health-promoting while some water is dead and disease-promoting. Artesian well water is usually the best (assuming the water source has not been compromised.) Well water is often okay (if the ground water has not been compromised); however, when water is pressurized and forced through metal or plastic pipes it becomes chaotic and of a lower frequency. The addition of chlorine and fluorine “harms” water and lowers its frequency. Storing water in plastic bottles lowers its frequency. And this new trend where cell phone antennas are placed on water towers (I suppose to save some money) is sure to corrupt and “chaoticize” the water even more—thus requiring greater amounts of energy for the body to adjust the frequency and utilize that water. Even when water is filtered, through reverse osmosis or high-quality carbon/ceramic filters (where many toxic elements are removed) the frequency of the water remains at a low level; in other words, filtering water may remove toxins but it does not increase the frequency. Distilling water removes all these low-frequency markers and creates “wetter” water thus allowing the body to more readily adjust the frequency of the water and more easily utilize it. The intake of urine—which some people find distasteful—even though pure urine tastes better than tap water—may hold particular benefits because the frequency of urine is in perfect harmony with the frequency of the body and, therefore, the body need not expend energy to make any kind of frequency adjustment. (Please note: When using urine therapy it is important to have a pure diet. With a pure diet, urine is a pure derivative of the blood, and a carrier of excess vitamins and mineral, not a waste product.)
In terms of cancer, milk should be used in moderation due to its growth factors, casein, and the fact that no adult animal (of any species) drinks milk; nor does any animal drink the milk of another species. So, with milk, we are already two steps away from dharma (the natural order of things). Pure, natural milk, from goats (and to a lesser extent sheep and cows), which has not been processed, and which comes from animals that eat mostly grass, and which is fresh (not stored in plastic containers for days or weeks), carries a high vibration and is usually health-promoting—taking into consideration, of course, that the animal has been treated well and not shot up with unnatural hormones, or, in the case of dairy cows, has not been machine-hooked-up and forced to produce 40 gallons of milk per day (as opposed to a more natural production of around 6 gallons per day.) In terms of vibration (or naturalness) milk can be roughly ordered as follows:
1. Raw milk, from animals eating grass, consumed fresh (Goat, Sheep, Cow)
2. Raw milk, stored for more than a day, in glass containers, and consumed cold
3. Raw milk, stored for more than a few days, in plastic containers, consumed cold
4. Milk that has been low-heat pasteurized
5. Milk that has been Ultra pasteurized
6. Milk that has been Homogenized
7. Milk from cows treated with hormones and antibiotics
8. Milk with Synthetic Vitamin D added
9. Milk stored more than two weeks in plastic containers
10. Milk form Force-milked cows, who are unhappy and in pain
Highest frequency milk:
Raw, fresh, organic goat’s milk, from goats that eat primarily grass
Raw, fresh, organic sheep’s milk
Raw, fresh, organic cow’s milk
Lowest frequency milk:
Commercial cow’s milk (and products made from it), i.e., milk that has been ultra-pasteurized and homogenized, which comes from cows that do not eat green grass, are treated with anti-biotics and growth hormones, are unhappy and in pain and force-milked all day, with synthetic Vitamin D added, and stored in plastic containers for extended periods of time.
>> Frequencies of Food
Dharma – Natural Order
The Sanskrit word dharma means “natural order” or that which is in alignment with nature. Understanding the nuances of this word, and applying this principle to your eating habits, your actions, and the whole of your whole life powerfully aligns you with the flow of Life itself. When your thoughts and actions are aligned with the greater flow of Life, you naturally attract all the positivity and support of Life; you feel more alive, you feel more connected to yourself and those around you, you have more energy and enthusiasm, and you naturally move toward health and healing. (Likewise, when you go against natural law or the greater flow of Life—wittingly or unwittingly—you feel less alive, more dead, more disconnected, more fatigued, and you unnaturally move to disease. Unfortunately, in accord with modern society, most people deviate from natural law, or dharma, without even being aware of it—and, unfortunately, they pay the price. And the price usually comes in the form or physical or mental dis-ease.) Thus, it would behoove anyone with a major disease like cancer to look carefully as his or her life and discover each place where there was a deviation from natural law, from the flow of life, from dharma, and then take steps to correct this, to come back into what is true, and natural, and life-giving.