Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Therapy
HCl therapy, in the form of daily intake of dilute HCl and the use of dilute HCl retention enemas, can provide a vast number of health benefits. It can bolster one's immune system, kill bacteria, and improve overall digestion. HCl therapy can benefit most people with cancer, and it can especially benefit people with alkaline forms of cancer such as leukemia. (And don't worry, taking HCl orally and/or rectally will not cause your system to become acidic.)
General Protocol:
A standard dose would be 20 drops of 3% HCl, diluted in 1/2 - 1 cup of water, taken 3-6 times daily. (If using 10% HCl solution, use about 7 drops.) If your digestion is lacking, and you require greater amounts, you could use up to 40 drops of 3% HCl (or 14 drops of 10% HCl solution.) Always drink through a thin straw. (And don't worry, such a dilution is harmless and tastes like diluted lemon juice.)
Retention Enema
The use of a retention enema is a very good way to directly transport dilute HCl into the bloodstream. If you are using a small amount of liquid for your enema, such as a 1/4 cup or less, it is usually a one-way street---the mixture goes in and does not come out as all the liquid is absorbed by the liver. (In the case where you cannot fully absorb the liquid, hold it in for at least 15-20 minutes.) Most studies on HCl were carried out using IV injections of dilute HCl; however, a retention enema accomplishes the same results, without the pain and possible swelling in the injection area.
A standard dose would be to add 36 drops of 4% HCl (or 14 drops of 10% HCl) to 4 teaspoons (20cc) of purified water and insert with a rectal syringe. You can start out with half this amount of HCl (18 drops of 4% / 7 drops of 10%) and build your way up. I don't use a rectal syringe, I use a standard enema bucket. I also use about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water, depending on my mood. In both cases (the use of 20cc or 1/4-1/2 cup) the amount of HCl used is the same.
Note: You can use this enema daily with good effect. However, without proper monitoring of your condition, it would be best to use for 2-4 weeks then re-evaluate. If you are highly toxic, there may be an unpleasant healing reaction. In that case, use half the amount until the reaction subsides.
It is best to use a pure form of HCl, which usually comes as a 10% solution. I DO NOT recommend that you work with a standard 35% solution as it is too caustic. If you do obtain a 35% solution always dilute it down to 10% before using. You can obtain a 35% solution of HCl, in the form of Muriatic Acid, from The Home Depot and other hardware stores (for about $8-$12 per gallon). However, HCl obtained from hardware stores many not be as pure as HCl obtained from a scientific supply house (which runs about $10 for 16 ounces, 10% solution) so it would be best to always use pure grade HCl.
>> Hydrochloric Acid Therapy by Pat Block, ND
>> Source of Pure Grade HCl (10%)
>> Scientific Studies on HCl Therapy (from Townsend Letter)
HCl therapy, in the form of daily intake of dilute HCl and the use of dilute HCl retention enemas, can provide a vast number of health benefits. It can bolster one's immune system, kill bacteria, and improve overall digestion. HCl therapy can benefit most people with cancer, and it can especially benefit people with alkaline forms of cancer such as leukemia. (And don't worry, taking HCl orally and/or rectally will not cause your system to become acidic.)
General Protocol:
A standard dose would be 20 drops of 3% HCl, diluted in 1/2 - 1 cup of water, taken 3-6 times daily. (If using 10% HCl solution, use about 7 drops.) If your digestion is lacking, and you require greater amounts, you could use up to 40 drops of 3% HCl (or 14 drops of 10% HCl solution.) Always drink through a thin straw. (And don't worry, such a dilution is harmless and tastes like diluted lemon juice.)
Retention Enema
The use of a retention enema is a very good way to directly transport dilute HCl into the bloodstream. If you are using a small amount of liquid for your enema, such as a 1/4 cup or less, it is usually a one-way street---the mixture goes in and does not come out as all the liquid is absorbed by the liver. (In the case where you cannot fully absorb the liquid, hold it in for at least 15-20 minutes.) Most studies on HCl were carried out using IV injections of dilute HCl; however, a retention enema accomplishes the same results, without the pain and possible swelling in the injection area.
A standard dose would be to add 36 drops of 4% HCl (or 14 drops of 10% HCl) to 4 teaspoons (20cc) of purified water and insert with a rectal syringe. You can start out with half this amount of HCl (18 drops of 4% / 7 drops of 10%) and build your way up. I don't use a rectal syringe, I use a standard enema bucket. I also use about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water, depending on my mood. In both cases (the use of 20cc or 1/4-1/2 cup) the amount of HCl used is the same.
Note: You can use this enema daily with good effect. However, without proper monitoring of your condition, it would be best to use for 2-4 weeks then re-evaluate. If you are highly toxic, there may be an unpleasant healing reaction. In that case, use half the amount until the reaction subsides.
It is best to use a pure form of HCl, which usually comes as a 10% solution. I DO NOT recommend that you work with a standard 35% solution as it is too caustic. If you do obtain a 35% solution always dilute it down to 10% before using. You can obtain a 35% solution of HCl, in the form of Muriatic Acid, from The Home Depot and other hardware stores (for about $8-$12 per gallon). However, HCl obtained from hardware stores many not be as pure as HCl obtained from a scientific supply house (which runs about $10 for 16 ounces, 10% solution) so it would be best to always use pure grade HCl.
>> Hydrochloric Acid Therapy by Pat Block, ND
>> Source of Pure Grade HCl (10%)
>> Scientific Studies on HCl Therapy (from Townsend Letter)