More on the Primary Cause of Cancer
(from Never Fear Cancer Again by Raymond Francis)
There is only one disease---malfunctioning cells---and only two causes of disease---deficiency and toxicity. Like any other so-called disease, cancer is nothing more than malfunctioning cells caused by deficiency and toxicity.
Remember, cancer is not a thing. It's a biological process that requires certain conditions of the process to operate. Tumors are products of this process---they are a symptom. Cancer is not the tumor; cancer is the process that created the tumor. Consider that by the time a tumor is diagnosed, you have already had cancer for years, if not decades.
Oxygen deficiency---insufficient oxygen metabolism in a cell---is the prime cause of cancer. Therefore, preventing and reversing cancer must be about preventing and reversing impaired oxygen metabolism. All disease is caused by deficiency and toxicity. Different combination of deficiencies and toxicities create different symptoms. The symptoms they call cancer are the result of cellular malfunctions caused by oxygen deficiency in different areas of out bodies---cancer is an oxygen deficiency disease.
Oxygen respiration is dependent on bringing adequate oxygen into the lungs, transferring that oxygen from the lungs into the bloodstream, and combining it with hemoglobin in the blood cells. The red blood cells then transport the oxygen around the body to where it is needed. When arriving at cells that need oxygen, the oxygen must then detach from the hemoglobin, be transported across the cell membrane, and finally react with a fuel in the cell to produce heat and energy. . . . Respiration will be impaired when there is a lack of oxygen in the cell. However, even in the presence of sufficient oxygen, respiration will be impaired if the metabolic machinery to process the oxygen is compromised.
Sugar fermentation will produce energy in the absence of oxygen. This allows cells to create enough energy to survive, but this survival mechanism can cost you your life. As oxygen respiration in a cell decreases, the amount of fermentation increases to compensate for the loss of energy production from oxygen respiration. When the loss of energy from oxygen respiration reaches a critical point and fermentation takes over, fundamental changes take place in the way the cell operates.
Normal cells are highly differentiated, performing many specialized tasks the body need to function as a whole. Think of brain cells, eye cells, different types of blood cells, skin cells, muscle cells, bone cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells and so forth. Each type of cells does something special that other cells don't do. When cells get their energy through fermentation, there is no longer sufficient energy [or intelligence] to perform the usual task, so genetic programming is changed and differentiation is lost. The cell is transformed into a more primitive form of life where it no longer performs specialized tasks and is no longer able to communicate effectively with other cells. Its only remaining function is to survive and grow---this is cancer!
Warburg determined that cancer cells were fundamentally different from normal cells. Normal cells combine fuel with oxygen to produce energy. Cancer cells produce energy by fermenting sugar in the absence of oxygen, and a 35 percent reduction in cellular oxygen levels is sufficient to trigger the shift toward fermentation.
Cancer cells need a low oxygen environment in order to survive; increasing the amount of oxygen in a cancer cell will kill the cell. Increasing the amount of oxygen in a cancer cell is inexpensive, safe, and effective. It addresses the prime cause of cancer rather than treating the symptoms. Once you understand this about cellular oxygen, it is easy to see why conventional cancer treatments fail. They not only fail to address the cause of cancer, they actually promote cancer. . . . Chemotherapy and radiation drastically lower blood oxygen levels. Making matters even worse, these conventional treatments shut down the cellular machinery needed for oxygen respiration. Chemotherapy and radiation overload cells with toxins, which deactivates critical respiratory enzymes. When normal cells are damaged this way, they are more likely to develop into cancer cells.
(from Never Fear Cancer Again by Raymond Francis)
There is only one disease---malfunctioning cells---and only two causes of disease---deficiency and toxicity. Like any other so-called disease, cancer is nothing more than malfunctioning cells caused by deficiency and toxicity.
Remember, cancer is not a thing. It's a biological process that requires certain conditions of the process to operate. Tumors are products of this process---they are a symptom. Cancer is not the tumor; cancer is the process that created the tumor. Consider that by the time a tumor is diagnosed, you have already had cancer for years, if not decades.
Oxygen deficiency---insufficient oxygen metabolism in a cell---is the prime cause of cancer. Therefore, preventing and reversing cancer must be about preventing and reversing impaired oxygen metabolism. All disease is caused by deficiency and toxicity. Different combination of deficiencies and toxicities create different symptoms. The symptoms they call cancer are the result of cellular malfunctions caused by oxygen deficiency in different areas of out bodies---cancer is an oxygen deficiency disease.
Oxygen respiration is dependent on bringing adequate oxygen into the lungs, transferring that oxygen from the lungs into the bloodstream, and combining it with hemoglobin in the blood cells. The red blood cells then transport the oxygen around the body to where it is needed. When arriving at cells that need oxygen, the oxygen must then detach from the hemoglobin, be transported across the cell membrane, and finally react with a fuel in the cell to produce heat and energy. . . . Respiration will be impaired when there is a lack of oxygen in the cell. However, even in the presence of sufficient oxygen, respiration will be impaired if the metabolic machinery to process the oxygen is compromised.
Sugar fermentation will produce energy in the absence of oxygen. This allows cells to create enough energy to survive, but this survival mechanism can cost you your life. As oxygen respiration in a cell decreases, the amount of fermentation increases to compensate for the loss of energy production from oxygen respiration. When the loss of energy from oxygen respiration reaches a critical point and fermentation takes over, fundamental changes take place in the way the cell operates.
Normal cells are highly differentiated, performing many specialized tasks the body need to function as a whole. Think of brain cells, eye cells, different types of blood cells, skin cells, muscle cells, bone cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells and so forth. Each type of cells does something special that other cells don't do. When cells get their energy through fermentation, there is no longer sufficient energy [or intelligence] to perform the usual task, so genetic programming is changed and differentiation is lost. The cell is transformed into a more primitive form of life where it no longer performs specialized tasks and is no longer able to communicate effectively with other cells. Its only remaining function is to survive and grow---this is cancer!
Warburg determined that cancer cells were fundamentally different from normal cells. Normal cells combine fuel with oxygen to produce energy. Cancer cells produce energy by fermenting sugar in the absence of oxygen, and a 35 percent reduction in cellular oxygen levels is sufficient to trigger the shift toward fermentation.
Cancer cells need a low oxygen environment in order to survive; increasing the amount of oxygen in a cancer cell will kill the cell. Increasing the amount of oxygen in a cancer cell is inexpensive, safe, and effective. It addresses the prime cause of cancer rather than treating the symptoms. Once you understand this about cellular oxygen, it is easy to see why conventional cancer treatments fail. They not only fail to address the cause of cancer, they actually promote cancer. . . . Chemotherapy and radiation drastically lower blood oxygen levels. Making matters even worse, these conventional treatments shut down the cellular machinery needed for oxygen respiration. Chemotherapy and radiation overload cells with toxins, which deactivates critical respiratory enzymes. When normal cells are damaged this way, they are more likely to develop into cancer cells.