More on Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
Dr. Artour Rakhimov says, “It is not oxygen, but carbon dioxide that is the substance responsible for the main improvement in oxygenation of tissues. Dissolved baking soda has only one effect on composition of arterial blood: it increases its CO2 content. CO2, as many medical studies proved, is a powerful vasodilator. It expands arteries and arterioles leading to the tumor since these blood vessels have layers of smooth muscles sensitive to CO2.” Thus sodium bicarbonate addresses cancer tumors in a two prong attack. It increases pH, which in and of itself brings more O2 to the tissues while it increases perfusion of blood into the tumors via vasodilation.
"Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent and necessary nutrient emergency room medicine that has a powerful systemic effect of balancing cell voltage, cell and tissue pH, oxygenation and most importantly it increases CO2 levels."
"Sodium bicarbonate is not a shallow alkalinizer as anyone who takes several teaspoons a day will testify to. With appropriately monitored administration through baths and oral intake, one easily gets the urine up to the ideal cancer-treating pH of eight. It is the sweet spot to get the greatest therapeutic effect against cancer and other serious diseases including the flu. Sodium bicarbonate saved lives during the great Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918 and it could save millions of lives today if doctors took off their blinders and made use of this great medicine.
"In reality the best combination is to take sodium bicarbonate with potassium bicarbonate so I recommend these capsules with them already mixed, but make no mistake, the poor of the world have easy access to one of the cheapest and safest cancer treatments readily available to everyone—plain baking soda."
--- Dr. Eliezer Ben-Joseph
For further discussion on the use of sodium bicarbonate see: Sodium Bicarbonate - Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment by Marc Sircus.