A Few Ways to Boost Your Immune System
— Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS-1)
Miracle Mineral Solution (a form of chlorine dioxide) provides a very powerful and inexpensive way to boost the immune system and destroy pathogens. Various forms of MMS-1 have been used for several decades but only recently has its use been rediscovered and further developed by Jim Humble and others. MMS-1 is created by activating a solution of sodium chlorite with an acid solution (such as HCl or citric acid).
MMS-1 (which must always be diluted with water before ingesting) is difficult to take because it often causes nausea or vomiting, especially when taken in high doses. As such, people often take one dose and avoid taking it ever again. Fortunately, MMS-1 can be transformed into a more palatable form, such as CDS or CDH, which makes it easier to take and does not cause stomach problems.
To create an even more powerful immune booster and pathogen destroyer, one can take calcium hypochlorite (MMS-2) in conjunction with MMS-1, CDS, or CDH.
The link below provides detailed information on how to make CDS and how to insure proper dosing for MMS-1, CDS, and MMS-2. In addition, I recommend that you do your own research on MMS-1 by visiting websites and user boards dedicated to the subject.
Please be advised that all these sodium chlorite agents are toxins. When used in small amounts they can destroy toxins without harming the body. So, be very careful with the dosing. Always side on the side of caution. Large doses of any toxic agent can be harmful to the kidneys. DO NOT OVERDOSE.
>> MMS-1/CDS/MMS-2 Protocols
— Liposomal Vitamin C (2-6 grams per day)
Making your own Liposomal Vitamin C is a simple but somewhat involved process. If you plan on taking large amounts of Vitamin C as part of your immunity-boosting protocol it may be worth your while to invest the time and effort that is needed. (You can also purchase liposomal Vitamin C at a steep price but it would be more fulfilling to make it yourself.) All you need is an ultra-sonic bath, a blender, good-quality lecithin, pure acorbic acid, and patience.
DO NOT TAKE any megadoses of a single vitamin, including Vitamin C, without expert advice.
>> Make your own Liposomal Vitamin C
>> A good article on Vitamin C by Dr. Beddoe
— DHAA (Dehydro-Ascorbic Acid)
Bill, from EarthClinic.com writes:
“If you want a cheap and cheerful way to orally supplement DHA then, as Ted from Bangkok recommends, all you need is Lugol’s iodine, Baking Soda (Arm & Hammer is fine to use), Ascorbic acid, and a glass of water. First add 1/4 tsp of ascorbic acid (1 gram) to the water. Then add 6 drops of LI. You will notice that the iodine in the water turns from brown to clear and that’s because the ascorbic acid is oxidized and converted to DHA while the molecular iodine is reduced to clear iodide. The last thing you add is the baking soda—add this until the fizzing stops. Now you have an oral solution of sodium ascorbate + iodide + DHA in ascorbate form.
"Another method is to create liposomal Vitamin C, using ascorbic acid, lecithin, and a frequency cleaner. The lecithin envelops the acrobic acid in a lipid coating allowing it to be delivered directly to the cell. Some people claim that Vitamin C taken in this form is six times more powerful than intravenous Vitamin C. In other words, 2 grams of liposomal Vitamin C would have the same potency as receiving more than 12 grams of Vitamin C in an IV drip.
"Without getting too technical, when you mix together Lugol’s iodine and ascorbic acid with water in a glass and then add sodium bicarbonate until the fizzing stops, the molecular iodine component of lugols is converted to sodium iodide and the ascorbic acid is converted to dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA). Put simply, the ascorbic acid is oxidized to DHA by molecular iodine and the molecular iodine is reduced to sodium iodide during the reaction. You can see this happening in the glass because the brown color of the molecular iodine in Lugol's slowly turns colorless (iodide is colorless).
"Iodide is extremely useful to the body—very beneficial to the thyroid and it is essential to the immune system.
"The dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA) has exactly the same properties as ordinary ascorbic acid except except for one difference—DHA is able to penetrate the blood/brain barrier whereas ordinary ascorbic acid cannot. Normally ascorbic acid is dependent upon and converted to DHA by glutathione in your body. So taking ascorbic acid with Lugol’s iodine like this also helps to save the glutathione stores in your body for more essential tasks.
Iodine / Iodide
"When you add the drops of Lugol's to a solution of ascorbic acid it is just the iodine portion of the Lugol's solution that reacts with the Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and is converted to iodide. . . .
"The dehydroascorbic acid is handled in the same way by the body and is just as beneficial as ascorbic acid (Vit C). As well, your dose of Lugol's becomes completely iodide with no iodine component now. This is okay if you are taking this solution for thyroid problems or for general health because most organs, mucus glands and endocrine system can uptake both the iodide and iodine forms, but if you are taking Lugol's specifically for a breast problem like fibrocystic disease or for uterine fibroids or BV for example, the iodide form will not be of much use because the breasts, cervix and prostate all uptake the iodine form only. Also, iodine is the component that is truly anti-microbial, so if you are taking Lugol's against intestinal candida, better to take drops of Lugol's on its own in a glass of water (containing both iodide and iodine).
— Zell Immunocomplex
This live cell specially bred saccharomyces cerevisaie yeast (It is successful in helping to eliminate so called yeast infections such as Candida albicans), contains many nutrients in live cell form including specialized enzymes that restore healthy cellular respiration and general cellular energy turnover. This has a fundamental and immediate effect in improving many metabolic functions, the whole organism begins to operate more efficiently.
A more nutrient dense form of Zell Oxygen called Immunocomplex is the preferred solution here except for sensitive and delicate types who wish to proceed more slowly with therapeutic input, and then move on to the Immunocomplex when adapted to the Zell Oxygen. Immunocomplex contains more plant based anti-oxidants and relatively large amount of beta-glucans. They have a dual role in the immune system, they are stimulatory in the sense of helping the immune system to recognize non-self entities, i.e. material that needs to be broken down and cleared out, and on the other hand, beta-glucans have some influence in re-balancing an overactive immune system. Beta-glucans strengthen the side of the immune system that is needed to help eliminate the various types of infection that have such a crucial role in the auto-immune disease such as Candida albicans, mycoplasmas, herpes and so on. However, in practice we cannot say how soon the introduction of Immunocomplex would help to rebalance the immune system.
Zell Immunocomplex is a concentrate; use diluted in a beverage of your choice during or after a meal in one time or divided during the day. Good to take with some Vitamin C juice such as black currant, apple, grape, etc.
Dosage: 60ml/day = $4.00/day 30 days = $120.00
— “Beta-1,3D Glucan.” (by Transfer Point)
Dosage: 1 500mg capsule per 50lbs = 1500mg/day = $3.50/day
The best time to take Transfer Point Beta Glucan is in the morning, 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything; take all of your 500mg capsules together. Bill Henderson (author of Cancer Free) uses Beta-1,3D Glucan as the preferred agent to boost the immune system.
>> See Complete Henderson Protocol
— Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Some studies suggest that the use of niacin (nicotinic acid), in the right doses, can increase some functions of the immune system by a factor of 100. Niacin is the best form of Vitamin B3 to take, although it may create an uncomfortable "niacin flush" if taken in high amounts. (If you take the right amount, the niacin flush is quite pleasant; if you take too much, it can be unpleasant). Therefore, it is important to build up slowly when using niacin, starting with 50-100mg, and taking just enough to create a pleasant flush. Over time, you will be able to increase your dose.) Other forms of niacin, such as niacinamide and inositol hexaniacinate (ino-hex), do not create the niacin flush, and may be taken in high doses without discomfort, but are not as effective in overall benefits as niacin. In terms of lowering bad cholesterol, niacin and inositol hexaniacinate are effective while niacinamide is not.
CAUTION: Only take large doses of a single vitamin, under guidance.
— Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrexone is a powerful immune system booster that has had great success in all manner of immune deficiency diseases (including multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease) as well as many forms of cancer.
Dose: 4.5 mg/day 30 days = $30.00 - $40.00
“Low Dose Naltrexone may well be the most important therapeutic breakthrough in over fifty years. It provides a new, safe and inexpensive method of medical treatment by mobilizing the natural defenses of one’s own immune system." --- David Gluck, MD
>> More Information on LDN
Raise Glutathione Levels
"No treatment prior to supplementation with whey seemed to successfully address glutathione deficiency. Supplementation, injections, and other interventions failed to significantly affect the glutathione levels inside the cells, where 90% of the body's glutathione is needed. At the Cheney Clinic it was found that undenatured whey protein was the best way to increase glutathione levels and function. The clinic conducted a six-month study of a bioactive whey product and discovered it significantly improved glutathione function.
Q. What is the theoretical mechanism of action of glutathione in cancer and immune dysfunction?
Natural killer (Immune) cells may become glutathione-depleted over time and immune response weakens. Bioactive whey protein raises glutathione levels and strengthens the immune system. The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against cancer, viruses, bacteria, etc. For those patients receiving traditional medical therapy for their cancer, bioactive whey protein supplies lactalbumin and has been clinically proven to raise glutathione levels. Glutathione and lactalbumin (a component of bioactive whey protein) have been associated with the strengthening of healthy cells and (paradoxically) the weakening of cancerous cells. In research conducted by C. Svanborg et al, lactalbumin was associated with apoptosis (or the programmed death) of breast cancer cells. Glutathione has been scientifically demonstrated to decrease cancerous cells’ resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, while protecting healthy cells. This would theoretically allow a patient to respond better to chemotherapy with less side effects. Because neither bioactive whey protein, lactalbumin, nor glutathione is a drug no disease treatment claims can be made on the basis of these studies.
Recent studies show that asparagus (from Washington) had twice the amount of glutathione per gram of any common edible plant.
Note: the body must use glutathione in order to convert ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) into a more penetrable form called dehydro-ascorbic acid (or DHAA). So, if you are taking high amounts of Vitamin C you will be using up higher amounts of glutathione. If, however, you convert ascorbic acid into DHAA before taking it you will preserve your glutathione levels. (See section above for instructions on how to make DHAA.)
Formulating an Immunity-Boosting Game Plan
Rather than trying to do everything at once, it is best to begin with one or two protocols. To boost the immune system in the most comprehensive way, I suggest that everyone take the Colostrum Tonic---which tastes really good! Next on the list, in terms of comprehensive coverage, would be Zell Immunocomplex; however, this is somewhat expensive, and not readily available, and may not be necessary if you follow several of the other protocols. If you have any kind of infectious condition (and need an all-out attack on the infection) then CDS/MMS-2 would be the way to go. If you want to supply the immune system with some boosting and don't want to do too much, you can take MMS-2 (1 capsule every two hours.) It's not high on taste but very low on cost. Raising Vitamin C levels by taking liposomal Vitamin C is an easy and low-cost way (especially if you make it yourself) to support your immune system. Using high doses of Vitamin C, as ascorbic acid, may be counter-productive if your system is already too acidic. In general, taking massive amounts of Vitamin C through an IV, in the amount of say 15 grams per infusion, is not likely to be that helpful nor raise plasma levels of Vitamin C. Remember that Vitamin C has a half-life in the blood plasma of about 30 minutes; this means that every 30 minutes half the ascorbic acid in the blood is excreted through the kidneys.) In his anti-cancer protocol, Bill Henderson uses Beta-1,3D Glucan (by Transfer Point) as the supplement of choice to boost the immune system.
In addition to boosting your immune system through supplementation be careful to remove any source of immune suppression such as high consumption of sugar (which can shut down the immune system for 6+ hours), poor diet (including processed vegetable oils, plastic-contaminated foods, canned foods, etc.), toxic mold in your living environment, low-grade infections (coming from root canals, sinuses, and gums), toxic metals (such as mercury---coming from mercury fillings---nickel, cadmium, and lead), Candida overgrowth (and the waste it produces), all manner of immuno-suppressive drugs (including chemotherapy), antibiotics (which kill off the beneficial bacteria in the colon), all processed dairy (and the allergic reactions that can come from undigested milk proteins entering the blood stream, which is most often the case with homogenized milk), wheat and gluten grains, electro-magnetic pollution, and toxic emotions (such as anger and depression). To partially mitigate the electro-toxicity of cell phone towers, step-down transformers, wi-fi modems, etc. it would be helpful to earth or ground yourself, especially while you sleep.
A two-part series on optimizing your immune system:
>>> http://healyourbody.org
Various Physical and Electro-Magnetic Toxins to Avoid:
Fiberglass Insulation: fiberglass insulation (and the fiberglass particles released into the air) may be more cancerous than asbestos; it is an oft contributing factor to lung and breast cancer. Therefore limit all exposure to fiberglass and places where there might be air-born particles of fiberglass.
Propyl Alcohol: all products that contain propyl alcohol, including rubbing alcohol, make up, lotions, moisturizers, etc.
Most Commercial Toothpaste: best to make your own toothpaste
Benzene: all products that contain benzene
Formaldehyde and Toxic Building Material, a lot of which can be found in synthetic Carpets (especially new ones) and furniture.
Radon: an odorless, colorless gas is responsible for an estimated 20,000 cases of lung cancer per year. Have house tested for Radon pollution.
Fluorescent lights: Replace with full-spectrum lights (in work and home).
Bras: Bras stagnate the lymphatic system and cause toxic build-up in the breasts. Wear them less often or loose.
Pesticides, Lawn Chemicals
Paint Thinner, Oils, Solvents, etc: Use sparingly. Keep tightly closed at all times.
Nickel Jewelry: Don't wear it
Radio and Cell Towers: Don't live with 1/2 mile from any tower (better yet to be at least 1 mile or more from a cell tower.)
Step-Down Transformers and high-power lines: avoid
Wi-Fi: Minimize exposure in one's house (by putting wi-fi modem in a remote room, avoid any kind of wi-fi signal booster, and connecting by cable to your modem as opposed to using a wireless connection. Turn off wi-fi modem at night while sleeping.
Underground Water Flow: Make sure not to sleep over any underground water flow as this disrupts the electro-magnetic balance of the body.
Toxic Emotions / Toxic and Unsupportive People